Monday, October 4, 2010

Can I Get Another Word Please?

I know, I know, you are sick and tired of hearing the words "I'm busy!" But honest, I am! I only have 2 more weekends of craziness and then I will be able to resume my usual quilting obsession. This isn't to say I haven't accomplished much because indeed I have done quite a bit of quilting. I was just unable to share any with you because the projects were either for someone who might read my blog or the quilts were slightly incomplete. I like things to be a surprise.

So after my anniversary weekend I attended a wine tour with some very lovely ladies.
And boy did we have a blast!
And even more fun, this is the bday girl.
And a tad more fun.
Then last weekend I threw a baby shower with my friend Sarah for one of our best friends Jessica. She has got to be the most adorable pregnant woman I have ever laid eyes on!
This is the bento box quilt I made for her and baby Leah Nicole!
I have named the quilt Party Dress and I will post additional pictures at some point. This is a pic of the back, the theme of her baby room is zebra print, I was very very excited to give this quilt to her!
Next weekend I am in another wedding in Albany then I travel to northern NY the following weekend for my brother's birthday. After that, I am proud to say that I have nothing planned and I am looking forward to a little R&R.

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